Solution Services

High-Pressure Water Jetting 

The use of high-pressure water jetting is one of the most effective ways to clear blockages. 

Not only is it safe to use on what was built recently, but it’s also safe to use on older pipes as well, giving you the confidence to get the job done

Non-Destructive Digging

Non-destructive digging makes use of a high-pressure water lance to safely excavate soil, dirt, and sand that is found in underground utilities. 

The team at Subsurface Utility Solutions will safely remove objects and materials that could seriously damage infrastructures, such as underground telephone, electricity, or gas installations.

Vacuum Loading

At Subsurface Utility Solutions, we have vacuum loading trucks that can remove both liquid and dry products from the work site quickly and efficiently. 

You can have peace of mind knowing all of our vacuum loading trucks are operated by certified and experienced staff, to ensure safe operating conditions under any circumstances.

The sites we utilise vacuum loading at includes residential and commercial pipes, sewers, industrial pits, stormwater drains, and sites undergoing excavation.

Pipe Freezing

Pipe freezing is one of the best techniques for preparing pipes that contain water for repairs, maintenance, and upgrades. 

This technique is used to freeze the content of a section of the pipe by applying liquid nitrogen to form an ice plug. The plug sticks to the pipe walls to stop water from flowing through the pipe during the repair or maintenance works.
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